Graduate School
for Sustainable Energy Systems in Neighbourhoods
Doctoral Candidates Phase 1 EEQ
Dipl. Des., M.A. Najine Ameli
Institute for Urban Planning and Development at the University of Duisburg-Essen
Field of research: forms of sharing in the neighborhood, cultural shift towards post-commercial sharing
M.Sc. Jan Paul Baginski
Chair of Energy Economics at the University of Duisburg-Essen
Field of research: decision determinants for energy efficient renovations of private building owners
M.A. Emily Drewing
Chair of General Sociology, Work and Economics at the Ruhr University Bochum
Field of research: Energy cooperatives and their role in the energy transition
M.Sc. Eva Frensemeier
Department of Urban Planning, Urban Design and Construction Management at the Technical University of Dortmund
Field of research: interdependencies of path dependencies, goals of urban development as well as the funding framework of energetic and sustainable neighborhood development
Sonja Hellali-Milani
Institute for Urban Planning and Development at the University of Duisburg Essen
Field of research: Urban space and active mobility
Dipl.-Ing., M. Sc. Christian Hemkendreis
Department of Urban Planning, Urban Design and Construction Management at the Technical University of Dortmund
Field of research: energy efficiency in disadvantaged neighborhoods, urban renewal or urban development companies, municipal spin-off and private sector accountability
M. Sc. Jonas Hinker
Institute for Energy Systems, Energy Efficiency and Energy Economics at Dortmund University of Technology
Field of research: Efficiency and functioning of entire energy systems
M. A. Alexandra Jaik
Department of Sustainability with a Social Science Orientation at Bochum University of Applied Sciences
Field of research: conditions of emergence, diffusion and perpetuation of social practices for sustainable consumption
Steven März
Wuppertal Institute
Institute for Urban Planning and Development at the University of Duisburg-Essen
Field of research: Climate protection and energy efficiency in buildings
Dissertation: Why should I energetically renovate my rental property? – Analysis and multi-level governance of neighborhood-specific and individual frameworks to increase energy retrofit activity by small private landlords
- Targeting energy poverty | 2016 | Article
- A novel conceptual model facilitating the derivation of agent-based models for analyzing socio-technical optimality gaps in the energy domain | 2017 | Article
- Beyond economics – understanding the decision-making of German small private landlords in terms of energy efficiency investment | 2018 | Article
- Assessing the fuel poverty vulnerability of urban neighbourhoods using a spatial multi-criteria decision analysis for the German city of Oberhausen | 2018 | Article
- Private small landlords: a forgotten player on the road to the heat transition?! Energy Industry Issues | 2018 | Article
- Transition – Research – A Practice-Oriented Overview | 2018 | Contribution to Handbook on Energy Transition and Participation
- Mixed-Method Research to Foster Energy Efficiency Investments by Small Private Landlords in Germany | 2020 | Article
Ass. jur. Milan Hoff
Institute for Mining and Energy Law at the Ruhr University Bochum
Field of research: Increasing energy efficiency in the building sector and in the neighborhood, legal framework for home heating energy efficiency
Moritz vom Hofe
Chair of Marketing at the Technical University of Dortmund
Field of research: economic-rational motives within energetic refurbishment decisions, energy efficiency interventions in the household
M.Sc. Nicolas Witte
Chair of Energy Technology at the University of Duisburg-Essen
Field of research: district heating networks